Archiwum maj 2002, strona 1

maj 05 2002 wyrzucaja tu za "ZBYT CZESTE" zmiany ? hehe...
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brawo. nie chce mi sie juz nic wiecej a mialo byc tak kurewsko pieknie, myslicie ze oni wszystko kontroluja..kazde zdanie po to zeby pozniej kasowac  bo bylo w blogu "kurwa" ? ;))))))))))))))

someone : :
maj 05 2002 ma lepsza mozliwosc wprowadzania...
Komentarze: 0


tak wiec zaczniemy, nie ma $ na nowe blogi..polowa z was wpadla wiec tu.
ale tu tez jest BE bo jest problem z wprowadzaniem zmian, zamieszane nie? nawet
niewiele mozna krecic w kodzie html..i tak wraca ich stary..a to nie o to chodzi..


someone : :
maj 05 2002 this is f***in' 6th note..
Komentarze: 0

nothing here!
go away

someone : :
maj 05 2002 proba 5
Komentarze: 0

... The Story Arts website has been created by storyteller & author Heather Forest Website
Design & Hosting by WriteDesign Site development funded by Bell Atlantic ...
Opis: Heather Forest's site for teachers, librarians, and students explores the use of storytelling in the...

someone : :
maj 05 2002 proba 4
Komentarze: 0

The most interesting part of the whole thing was the conversation that went on between myself and Mr. Hora. He seemed to have a sincere interest in helping me find an avenue to get my signal out there. He brought up several options, some of which my have real potential. One point he came back to serveral times, is the fact that I have an audience, I have supporters, some of which would probably support me with advertising $$. He saw this as an opportunity to get my foot in the door at an established radio station. I pointed out that that in itself was one of the major flaws in the system. I would never have gained a following if I hadn't done what I had done. I was forced into operating without a licence, in order to get my start. No commercial station would have even given me a listen if I hadn't gone out and done this on my own. All the more reason to set some parameters for the micro-broadcasters. The current FCC regulations don't licence stations under 100 watts. Mr. Hora also gave me advice on the proper procedure for petitioning the FCC to consider a change in the current regulations. According to him, no one has filed the proper papers with the FCC to enact this change. What I will be asking for is either a reinstatement of the Class D (10 watt, I think) licences, or a new low power license provision. He made a point of the procedure involved. He said that unless a proper protocal is used when petitioning the agency, it will never even be read, it is tossed out on the basis of improper procedure. I really don't expect a change based on a single petition, but, you gotta start somewhere.

someone : :